Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Key Words

Here is Amazon's list of Statistically Improbable Phrases (SIP's) for the book Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace:

annular fusion
medical attaché
entertainment cartridge
improbably deformed
howling fantods
feral hamsters
dawn drills
tough nun
prochain train
professional conversationalist
new bong
ceiling bulged
metro boston
tennis academy
red leather coat
soupe aux pois
red beanie
addicted man
magnetic video
littler kids
little rotter
technical interview
police lock
oral narcotics
sober time

These are all phrases that come up many times within the text so, as you can see, it's a really fun book to read. I look back on those 2 or 3 months with much more nostalgia than they deserve just because I enjoyed reading it so much (working a temp job at an accounting firm in downtown San Jose couldn't have been that great).


Karen said...

he wrote a great essay about a cruise, "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again."

Ben said...

... and he wrote the essay "Consider the Lobster," which is, more than anything else, what makes me want to be a writer. If I could write something half as good, I would die happy.